Recent Works

Just recently, I finished a work that challenges my aesthetic, my concept, and my thoughts on Sculpture and Fiber Art as a whole.  Derived from recycled materials, the work was constructed over the course of three weeks through a rigorous work process.

Internal Traditions, 2013, discusses my story through the use of another traditional fiber treatment: weaving.  Inspirations were drawn from the Middle Eastern Women who start the process of making a rug at a very young age, and continue until the day of their death.  These rugs are never finished, and are left behind to the family as a memento of their life.

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Internal Traditions, 2013. Recycled Fiber, Recycled Spindles, Thread.

Just as stated in my post entitled, Autumn Research 2013, I attempt to capture my personal narrative through the works I fabricate.  My experimentation is not only limited to the material choices, but also the processes in which the fibers are manipulated.  I strive to discover alternative ways of fiber manipulation that will create a strong aesthetic and further pushes my concept.

A weaving approach found in a vintage lace book was the method I chose to create my own Middle Eastern inspired weaving.  A combination of vintage and recycled materials embodies my person and creates the self portrait that would be comparable to the rugs created by the women of the Middle East.  Color was also introduced to this work, which is a rather large leap away from my previous body of work.  Although uncertain of future projects containing this much color, I find that the color is successful in this work.  Attempts to bleach the piece were made, but the fibers were unaccepting of the change.  I also developed a fear that the work would turn “muddy”, rather than bleach because of the copious variations of color.  Spindles were used in aiding the process of weaving the 12, 20ft. (6, 40ft) tubes of fiber, and were left in the final display to focus on the process.  I find that my work could possibly be considered Process Art, quite similar to Jackie Winsor’s fiber works created during the mid 60’s-late 70’s.

This work has been through multiple critiques at this point, and has received very controversial feedback.  While  I was bothered by this at first, I have decided that as long as the work is creating a riveting conversation, I should be pleased.  If nothing else, it inspires me to create more.  As Andy Warhol states, “while others are deciding how they feel about your work, make more work.”